Leadership Mini Series

June 18-August 7


Funded by Newark Youth One Stop Career Center 

LMS Executive

Summary Link

Fueling the Next Generation of Clean Energy Leaders

Our Leadership Mini-Series (LMS), under the umbrella of NewarkWORKS and funded by the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP), exposes participants to valuable workforce and educational opportunities for Newark, NJ residents who have completed high school.

Leadership Mini Series’ participants:

  1. Develop critical soft skills

  2. Learn about careers in energy & clean energy

  3. Present to prospective employers

  4. Connect with subject matter experts & mentors  

At the culmination of the eight weeks, participants earn an Emerging Leaders digital badge.

Offering: A combination of virtual training and real-world exposure. Focuses on developing critical soft skills and exploration of clean energy careers.



Site Visits: Our Speakers & Guests

Special thanks to our Subject Matter Experts from PSE&G, FirstEnergy, COVANTA, and Rutgers University who engaged our participants, answered their questions, and shared valuable advice.

Site Visits - Subject Matter Experts & Guests

Marc Turpin, FirstEnergy 
Devika Maram  
Project Manager & Process Improvement Specialist, PSE&G
Walatasia Manusu, PSE& G 
Marisela Furster,
Regional External Affairs Consultant, FirstEnergy

Special Thanks to:
Angela Parrinello- PSE&G,
Geraldine Allamby- PSE&G
Cliff Dawkins - Rutgers University
Lenore Pearson - Rutgers University

Kristen Dugan - PSE&G
Robert Rizzolo - FirstEnergy 
Ralph Hillmer - FirstEnergy
Michael Dennis - HST Group

SRModd Woods
Tyree Perry
Laverne Finley
Sherrod Middleton
Izameek Harris

Leadership Team:
George Martin, Chairman, Urban League of Morris County
Michele Joseph, CEO, SGAP Leaders &

Director Tyreek Rolon
Director Karen Gaylord

Leadership Mini Series:
For Participants

For Alliance Partners

Weekly Zoom Recordings:

Week I:
Week 2:
Week 3:

Learning Platform

CANVAS : To access the curriculum, course resources such as videos and articles, and other relevant information. 
Edansh App: To explore careers in clean energy, engage with virtual mentors, and conduct research. 
1Huddle:To reinforce learning using single-player and multiplayer games.

Zoom Link/Schedule/Timesheets

Zoom Daily Link (10-2 PM)
Week by Week Schedule Spreadsheet
Commitment Letter

Survey I
Survey II
Survey III

Roster of Participants (name and email)
Scope of Work (edited)
Roster of Alliance Partners


Global Solutions Lab Final Presentations
(Youtube video)

By the end of 6 wks, participants will:

  • have an understanding of the next steps to take to advance their careers in clean energy. (week 3)

  • be able to effectively present their ideas and themselves to interested stakeholders in clean energy. (week 4)

  • have a broad understanding of the clean energy landscape and how they can participate. (week 2)

  • have an opportunity to connect with a mentor who will guide them further in developing their interest regarding clean energy. (ongoing)

  • have a high level understanding about soft skills such as critical thinking, presentation, active listening and communication. (ongoing)

Alliance Zoom Link/Schedule/Invoice

Zoom Daily Link (10-2 PM)
Week by Week Schedule Spreadsheet
Invoice Template

Roster of Participants (name and email)
Scope of Work (edited)
Roster of Alliance Partners

LMS Final Presentation
Link to CANVAS

Global Solutions Lab Final Presentations
(Youtube video)